Thursday, January 27, 2022

Wilt of a Rose

I had a lovely rose bloom in my garden,
 Bright and red, with a dazzling radiance.
 I wanted to keep it forever and,
 to enjoy the beauty of its brilliance. 
 I noted after the first few days, 
 that its petals started to sag. 
 Alarmed, I thought maybe it needs more light.
 I put it out under the hot sun, 
only to realize its petals sagged further. 
Oh, now I have to cool it, thought I,
 and put it outside on a cold dark night.
 The petals wilted further and further. 
Frustrated, I cast it out, 
 For now, I care not what happens to it.
 Ruing in the lost beauty, 
 I was filled with loss and sadness.  

After a few days, I walked by the rose garden.
 I looked down at the withered petals, 
 and thought oh lord, what a waste!
 But right below the wilted rose,
 saw I a little bud. 
Overjoyed I realized that the beauty, 
 is not with a single rose. 
 But in the perpetual blossoming,
 of the infinite roses that the plant can bear. 
 And now I care of the plant and not the rose.